B.A. 物理 需求

B.A. 物理 需求

物理 Major 需求

Bachelor of Arts 需求

物理 2311, 211, 2312, 2112 (General 物理 I and II) and 24 advanced credits in 物理 that are selected in consultation with the faculty of the 物理 Department 是必需的 因为B.A. 在物理. The courses that compose the 24 advanced credits regularly include 物理 3320 (Quantum 物理), 3120 (Quantum 实验室oratory), 3326 (Statistical 物理), 3341 (Optics), 3141 (Optics 实验室oratory), 3363 (Computational 物理), 4423 (Theoretical Mechanics), 4424 (Quantum Mechanics), and 4327 (Electromagnetic 理论).

In addition, Chemistry 1303, 1103, 1304, 1104, and Math 1404, 1004, 1311, and 2312 是必需的. At least two of Math 3324, 3310,3315, and 3338 are suggested electives. (Most physics majors receive a concentration in applied mathematics.)

All students 是必需的 to pass a written comprehensive examination in the fall of their senior year. This exam covers topics from all required courses 在物理 因为B.A. 或B.S. 学位. It is given early in the semester, in case a retake is 必要的.

Suggested Program Sequence

Course numbers - the 1st digit is the year in which the course is usually taken; the 2nd digit is the number of semester hours credit; and 3rd and 4th numbers are the course identifier for the department.  The order of physics and mathematics classes is important; core classes during the junior and senior years are flexible.   


秋季学期 ENG 1301:  Literary Traditions I
MAT1404:  Calculus I
CHE 1303-1103:  General Chemistry & 实验室           
PHY 2311-2111:  General 物理 I & 实验室      
春季学期 ENG 1302:  Literary Traditions II                    
PHY 2312-2112:  General 物理 II & 实验室           
CHE 1304-1104:  General Chemistry II & 实验室         
MAT 1411:  Calculus II



秋季学期 PHY 3363:   Computational 物理 or elective
THE 1310:  Understanding the Bible
PHI 1301:  Philosophy & the Ethical Life
PHY 3320-3120:  Quantum 物理 & 实验室
MAT 2412:  Calculus III
春季学期 ENG 2311:  Literary Traditions III (Rome)
HIS 2301:  Western Civilization I (Rome)
THE 2311:  Western Theological Tradition (Rome)
PHI 2323:  Philosophy of Man (Rome)
History of Art/Theatre History/Music History


Year 3 or Year 4 (Sequence Even Year Fall)

秋季学期 MAT 3324:  Differential Equations
PHI 3311:  Philosophy of Being
PHY 4423:  Theoretical Mechanics
PHY 3363: Computational 物理 or elective
Lang 2311:  Intermediate I 
春季学期 PHY 3333-3133:  Electronics and 实验室
PHY 4424:  Quantum Mechanics
POL 1311:  Principles of American Politics
HIS 1311:  American Civilization I 
Lang 2312: Intermediate II 


Year 4 or Year 3  (Sequence Odd Year Fall)

秋季学期 PHY 3326:  Statistical 物理
PHY 4327:  Electromagnetic Theory                               
PHY 4V43 or 4V44:  Re搜索
PHY 4153:  物理 Seminar
HIS 2302:  Western Civilization II
ECO 1311:  Fundamentals of Economics 
春季学期 PHY 3341-3141:  Optics and 实验室
PHY 4328:  Electrodynamics
PHI 4333:  Philosophy of Science (recommended)
BIO:  Biological Science
PHY 4000 Level Elective


Summary - Major 需求

44 credits in 物理: 2311, 2111, 2312, and 36 advanced credits in 物理 that include at least 3 credits in re搜索 with re搜索 thesis; Chemistry 1303, 1103, 1304, 1104; and Math 1404, 1311, 2412, 3324. Oral and/or Written Comprehensives


  • Grades below C- in advanced courses in the major department do not count toward fulfillment of the major requirement.
  • The student must earn 38 credits in courses numbered 3000 or above, of which 30 must be earned at the University of Dallas. Advanced hours required for the major apply to this requirement. The last 12 advanced credits in the major must be earned at the University of Dallas.
  • The student must earn a minimum of 132 credits, exclusive of first year language courses used to satisfy the basic language requirements.